Basal Implant

Basal Implants also known as Cortical bone implants are an advanced implantology system that utilizes the basal (cortical) portion of the jaw bones for the retention of the dental implants.

More About Basal

Basal implants are made of a single piece of Titanium metal uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal (cortical) bone areas. The basal bone area or provides excellent bone quality for the retention of these unique and highly advanced implants. , basal implants are anchored in the cortical (the hardest) bone.

It is a new category with new broad indications and almost no limitations. Basal implantology replaces large fields of traditional implantology. Because basal implantology includes the application of the rules of orthopedic surgery, it could also be categorized to be an “oral division of orthopedic surgery.”


3.5 mm10 mm12 mm14 mm17 mm20 mm23 mm26 mm29 mm32 mm
4.5 mm10 mm12 mm14 mm17 mm20 mm23 mm26 mm29 mm32 mm
5.5 mm8 mm10 mm12 mm14 mm
7.0 mm8 mm10 mm12 mm14 mm


When a dentist installs your dental implant, the metal part that serves as a base for the crown is known as an abutment. It serves solely as a connector with one part attached to your jawbone, while the crown is fitted on the other end.